CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Quality Assurance Program

Monday, February 27, 2017 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Butler County Fairgrounds Multipurpose Building, 1715 Fairgrove Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45011
Contact email:
Contact name:
Kevin Harris
Contact phone:
Junior Fair exhibitors are required to attend one of the Quality Assurance programs. Junior Fair exhibitors of the following animals are required to attend:
* Dairy Cattle
* Feeder Calves Beef and Dairy
* Market Steers/Heifers
* All Goats (Pygmy, Market, Dairy, Boer, and all other breeds)
* Market Lambs
* Market Hogs
* Poultry
* Rabbits (projects: #225, #226 and #227)
Registration starts at 6:00 pm; Program starts at 6:30 pm