Now is the season to look out for stink bug damage. The Extension office has received several calls about possible stink bug damage both in home garden situations, as well in Butler County soybean fields. In Soybean fields, according to Andy Michel, Raman Bansal, and Ronald B. Hammond with the OSU Department of Entomology, Ohio has three stink bug species that are commonly found: the green stink bug, the brown stink bug, and the spined soldier bug, the latter being a beneficial predator on small insect pests. In addition to these three stink bugs, researchers are also finding higher numbers of the red-shouldered stink bug on soybean (not to be confused with the red-banded stink bug which is a growing problem in the deep southern U.S.), along with a relatively new invasive species of stink bug, the brown marmorated stink bug, on both soybean and corn (the latter especially being a potentially major concern on sweet corn).
The brown marmorated stink bug was introduced into the country along the U.S. eastern shoreline and has made its way to Ohio. As if that was not enough to think about, there is a closely related species that is now found on soybean in the southeastern states known as the kudzu bug or globular stink bug. Fortunately, this critter feeds on the kudzu vine, an invasive that wreaks havoc mostly in the southern states, although it has been found as far north in Ohio as the Cleveland area. But, the unfortunate fact about this insect is that it also feeds on the leaves and stems of soybeans and can cause serious yield losses. Kudzu bug is spreading its geographical range rapidly and is being monitored by Butler County Extension.
Andy Michel states in the 26th edition of the C.O.R.N. ( newsletter that, "often this damage is not seen until harvest time, because the pod usually retains its shape, despite the smaller seed. Therefore, it is important to scout early and control if necessary."
Andy offers the following guidelines to sample in soybean fields for stink bugs. Take multiple 10-sweep samples with a sweep net in multiple locations throughout the field. Average the number of stink bugs in the 10-sweep samples. The threshold to treat is 4 or more stink bugs, adults or nymphs. If soybeans are being grown for seed, the threshold can be dropped to 2 or more stink bugs. If walking, the threshold is 1 to 2 stink bugs per foot of row.
For more information about stink bugs and other insect pests through the department of entomology, view the soybean insect images page:, and the provisional stink bug fact sheet: ( Also if you’re looking for more information on the brown marmorated stink bug, check out Extension's Ohioline Factsheet: (
Farm Science Review tickets are now available at the OSU Extension office. Farm Science Review will run from September 16th through September 18th. Tickets are $7.00 per person pre-sale and will be $10.00 at the gate. For more information on the Farm Science Review, go to:
For additional information on agriculture, natural resources management, or horticulture, visit: on the web or call the OSU Extension, Butler County, at (513) 887-3722, or in Middletown at (513) 424-5351, ext. #3722.
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News Release provided by Cindy Meyer.