We are gearing up for several Real Money, Real World (RMRW) simulations at Butler County Schools. Our first event is only 2 weeks away! RMRW is a wonderful opportunity to share your “real world” knowledge with high school students.
Students obtain an occupation, family and salary equivalent to the average monthly salary of a selected occupation. Classroom teachers explain the process of opening a checking and savings account, calculating net pay, paying bills, setting aside money for savings, writing checks and balancing a checkbook in four classroom lessons.
Because of RMRW, youth place more importance on:
- Doing well in school.
- Getting more education or training after high school.
- Waiting until financially ready before having children.
- Having a plan for spending that includes both needs and wants.
- Learning how to make financial decisions that adjust spending to match income.
- Saving money regularly.
During the simulation, students have a chance to practice making spending choices and evaluate the consequences of their money management decisions in a hands-on way. As students move from booth to booth, they spend their salaries on the necessities and luxuries they envision as part of their adult lifestyle; as well as pay taxes and save for the future.
We need your help to operate the following booths:
Chance ~ Child Care ~ Clothing ~ Communications ~ Contributions ~ Credit/College Loan ~ Entertainment ~ Financial Advice ~ Finish Line ~ Food ~ Housing ~ Insurance ~ Transportation ~ Utilities
Real Money, Real World would not be a success without support of the community businesses and other caring adults who volunteer. Please indicate your commitment to help by replying to Terri Chatfield at chatfield.25@osu.edu or by signing-up online by clicking here. If you have any questions, please call Kristen Corry at (513) 785-6653.