Blazin’ Saddles 4-H Club has a reputation of being a hard working club! Under the direction of Advisors, Bobby Eastham and Lori Wesley, they keep the club pretty busy throughout the entire year with many different activities. Twenty-two very active members work on different things such as: clean-up at Sebald Park, P.A.S. Qualifying Show (State Quality Horse Show), feeding homeless and needy individuals at the “Feed My Sheep” program at the Church of the Nazarene on Millville Avenue, the 5K Run/Walk Pancake Breakfast that is sponsored by the Butler County 4-H Committee and various other projects throughout the county. The members are not only recognized for their efforts and hard work, but their advisors have also been awarded on the State and County level for their work and dedication to the 4-H program as well. In September, the club has a weekend campout at Hueston Woods with a potluck dinner on Saturday night for all to enjoy. The year comes to a close in December with a HUGE holiday celebration with dinner, stockings and gifts for the members. This is held to show the members and families how much they are appreciated for the hard work and determination they put forth during the year. This is not just a 4-H Club…This is a 4-H family!